Jordan Bustillos
Founder/Product Development
Isaac Bustillos
Sales Operations
Vanessa Bustillos
Social Media/Marketing
About Us
Built out of frustration
Mission: Intents Nutrition aims to formulate energy-centric products that will boost our customers' performance through effective ingredients, educational marketing, and a transparent user experience.
History: As a lifelong athlete and motivation to continually improve my performance, I have always sought out the best supplements. In doing so, the industry has only provided conflicting information, unregulated claims, and overpriced options. Out of frustration, I documented a list of supplements I knew worked for me and my fitness goals and set out to create a customized pre-workout. After months of ordering raw ingredients, altering dosages, and testing results in the gym, I created our first product that was launched August 2024. I hope you enjoy it as much as our team does and invite feedback from all! - Jordan B.